Σ(゜д ゜) はっ!?

fredag 2. desember 2011

#8. Where Can You Find Lions?

I suppose the answer to that is in AFRICA, the interwebs...

...and now also in my kitchen!

I'm totally into the whole 'making christmas gifts' mood these days,
and I've decided that I'm gonna give away at least four pictures,
given that I get the time to make them all, of course.

I actually don't really like to paint.

...or, that's not true.
I like it, I just rarely do it.

I made a small painting last year of an elephant, that I was really proud of,
but for some reason it never made its way up on any wall at our place..
(..such cruel parents I have..)

This time I've decided to paint a bit bigger.
Twice as big to be honest..

totally snatched the picture off my own facebook page...

Layers and layers of paint here and there,
but that's what it takes to paint a lions mane, I suppose.

the picture is far from done, though
and I realize just how much I feel like an idiot
for not starting with the background first..

but in my world the background totally comes in last!
(at least when photoshop's involved)

I'll figure out a way to make a nice background
without messing up mr.Lion's face too much..

Then I'll continue off to the next painting..

mandag 21. november 2011

#7. Art classes; results

Ok, so I promised you that I'd show you some of the things I've made at the art course I'm taking...

..and I will.

I just forgot that my scanner's not big enough for A3 sheets,
so I have to apologize in advance for the crappy quality of the pictures, but my camera's not the greatest, and the light in my room does justice by absolutely no one..


Some of you might have noticed that the banner has changed,
and instead of the old one with my drawing of a monkey on,
it's now a picture of the site's mascot, who dearly needs a name..

Meet..whatshisname. For now, I shall call you Ludwig..

The drawing workshop I go to once a week is pretty basic stuff..
and in the beginning it was all about perspective, basic shapes and composition..

Like so..

Ludwig is not very impressed by this, and he is certain I can do better..

The workshop has covered these basic terms:
  1. Perspective and basic shapes
  2. composition
  3. shading
  4. heads
  5. shading/hatching
  6. hands
  7. measuring

I hated the first shading class, because we had to work with coal, and since I usually draw using a mechanical pencil, I'm trying to adjust to a regular pencil instead.
So having to use coal is not something I approve of..

Heads however..

The teacher made a point of renaming the class from "self portrait" to "heads" because he figured that would take the stress off our shoulders. Because then our drawings didn't have to look like ourselves..
Haven't done any shading on this one though..
(in the one I did shade, the nose is waaaaaay too tiny, so I don't want to show that one..)

Next was shading/hatching
My teacher didn't like to call it shading, because he felt it didn't really express what we were trying to do properly.
So he called it "shape defining hatching".
Basically, using different shades of whatever to show shape.

We got to choose whatever we wanted to draw, and while most of the others chose boring stuff like cups and bottles, I skipped (yes, skipped) over to the shelves where I found..

an animal skull!
I dunno what kind of skull, but that's not important..

My teacher told us to add some draperies as well, because it's a good exercise on hatch shading..

The guy sitting next to me just gave up on his own drawing when he saw mine.
Not that he's bad or anything, he was just having a bad art day..
(or so he said...)

One of the funniest ones was when we drew hands..
I've always hated drawing hands, but I've always loved the challenge.
Hiding hands in sleeves and stuff only works for so long in drawings.

Cheating ones way out of drawing difficult thing doesn't exactly make you better at them..

Hey Ludwig, do you have a favorite?
"DO I!"

Ah yes, this hand.

This hand..
..belongs to Kiyoharu
[I have a hate/love relationship with that man. I love his music, and his sense of fashion. But I have some serious issues with his face.. It's not his fault. He just looks like a walking collection of STDs sometimes..
I think it's the mouth that does it..
Either way.. he's got very drawable hands.. or something..]

Last time we worked on measuring.
Measuring using the pencil only.

GOD, I hate that.
It looks stupid when people does that.
It has its purpose sure, I do see that..
I just can't get myself to actually do it myself.

I'm used to drawing 'the basic shape of a thigh' then adjust it later.
So when I use guidelines in my drawings, I tend to draw something that looks more like a balloon animal than anything else..

Most of the time I just use eye measurement.
It's very often way off, but it's kind of stuck with me.. if I want to measure stuff, I'll use a ruler..

anywho. We had to do some quick drawings after having to draw houses and stuff..

this is still the best one from that day..

It's actually a copy of a picture by a Danish painter,
but I can't remember the title or the artist..

We used to actually have a poster of that particular picture hanging around somewhere, but now I can't find it. I just remember thinking that the woman in the picture always reminded me of my aunt somehow...

That is all for now.
New drawing workshop tomorrow..

Let's hope we'll get something decent out of it.

tirsdag 6. september 2011

#6. NEWS


It's confirmed!
The drawing course I've applied for is starting!

So, starting next week,
I'll be riding the train for over an hour
to sit in an old factory building for four hours and just draw..

...then the train home - for yet another hour..

I can't wait!

Hopefully, this will bring some great improvements to my drawings,
and I'll be better at understanding what I'm doing wrong - and why.

I read somewhere that when you're drawing,
you have to consider the "natural movement of the hand"
And my natural movement of hand is slightly curved..
Can't draw a straight line.. xD
And I'm very good at drawing eggs - even though I aim for circles..

I'm really looking forward to this,
and will try to post all the stuff I make here

Please look forward to it!!

fredag 22. juli 2011

#5. In Memory of..

(14.04.1980 ~ 23.07.2010)

I made this last year,
as something of a tribute to Zill
bassist of Moran
(Japanese band, their site's not updated)

Zill died last year after a long sickleave
(officially it's been said he had a very serious case of influenza, but he had been sick for months!)

I was experiencing a little bit with style
and I have to say, I still haven't really found one style that fits me
and that I feel I can complete.

But I feel that this particular style fit the picture
and because I'm horrible at drawing portraits, combined with a desire to draw
something as a tribute to Zill, I made this..

(please click thumbnail for bigger version)

The drawing's not really done, so the swing isn't really connected to anything
But it's one of those drawings that never will be finished.
It's been too long since I drew it, and I know that
should I try to alter the drawing now, I'll end up doing something to it
that I'll deeply regret later.

So I'll just keep it this way..
Should I want to do changes on it, it will have to be using the computer,
cus there's no way in hell I'm adding another line to the original sketch..


onsdag 6. juli 2011

#4. oldies. originals

k, so the last post was all about the fanart, I suppose,
so I guess it's appropriate that I make another post for the stuff I've made
based on my own imagination

(Please click on thumbnails for bigger versions)

Like the title says, this is a drawing of the zodiac sign Virgio
I was planning to make a drawing for each of the signs, but stopped after this one.
Might try to pick it up later.

I'm actually really pleased with this particular drawing..
And the irony in it..

An original character whose background story is unimportant..
I sort of like this drawing, but yet not.

I fail at drawing hands and fingers though, so I need to work on that.
Other than that, I see a lot of errors on it that has to be worked on..

This is from back when I studied in Japan
I drew some friends from my class.
(please ignore the frog and the elf.. it's an inside joke)

left to right;
me - fox
tonje - cat
katinka - panda
ingrid - hamster
yong - cow

I'm not really good at drawing chibi drawings,
so this one's actually one I'm quite proud of.
If nothing else, it has a lot of memories attached to it..

#3. oldies. fanart. kinda..

Alright, so I figured I should show you guys some of my older works.

(Please click thumbnails for bigger versions)

left to right:
tenten (Kazuhiro Taira) - chemical pictures (2010)
Jun - spiv states (2010)
DjSisen - Seileen (2008)
Takeru - SuG (2010)

the drawing of tenten and of Sisen have both been colored digitally..

Dunno if I'll ever get to the point of doing CG on the others..
..and I'm kinda not liking the CG of Sisen. Too many errors.
Please don't point them out.
I am aware.

Minor detail about the drawing of tenten..:
I've added all his bands.
Hand print on his neck was the logo for KuRt (his previous band)
Before KuRt he was in Hanamuke (ハナむケ) which is what is says on his arm
On the hand grasping the shirt it says 'CPS' which is short for Chemical Pictures (current band)
The belt buckles are his mini solo projects;
My Bacteria Heat Island
朱ィ。 (Benni.)

I know this makes me seem a bit stalkerish, but it's not really the case.
I happen to listen to both KuRt, CPS..
..and I actually discovered Benni. because of someone else

(Gunji from
the fool if you must know. He used to play guitars in 朱ィ。 Spoken to him online - and a few texts while in Japan, but that's not a story I want to go into details about..)

mandag 4. juli 2011

#2. coy

A guy I work with asked me if I could draw him a coy fish tattoo.
I thought it would be fun. So I accepted the challenge.
(click thumbnail for bigger version)

originally it was just supposed to be a sketch the tattoo artist could work from, but my colleague said that he would use the drawing as it is.
Plus, he told me that the tattoo artist told him that it was very nicely done.
I consider that a good thing, when a tattoo artist thinks my drawings are worthwhile.

I think this is the first drawing I've actually earned money on.
Took me about 2 hours.

07 pen

#1. monkey business

welcome everyone, to chopstickmonkey.

this is something of an art blog, where I plan to publish the things I make (be it drawings/paintings, as well as craft work and whatnots..)
I'm far from a good artist, and will use this blog to push myself to develop better skills. Please feel free to comment on my posts, and constructive criticism is much appreciated!

There might be randomness occurring as well, but I shall try to keep it to an absolute minimum!

Let the fun begin!