Σ(゜д ゜) はっ!?

onsdag 6. juli 2011

#3. oldies. fanart. kinda..

Alright, so I figured I should show you guys some of my older works.

(Please click thumbnails for bigger versions)

left to right:
tenten (Kazuhiro Taira) - chemical pictures (2010)
Jun - spiv states (2010)
DjSisen - Seileen (2008)
Takeru - SuG (2010)

the drawing of tenten and of Sisen have both been colored digitally..

Dunno if I'll ever get to the point of doing CG on the others..
..and I'm kinda not liking the CG of Sisen. Too many errors.
Please don't point them out.
I am aware.

Minor detail about the drawing of tenten..:
I've added all his bands.
Hand print on his neck was the logo for KuRt (his previous band)
Before KuRt he was in Hanamuke (ハナむケ) which is what is says on his arm
On the hand grasping the shirt it says 'CPS' which is short for Chemical Pictures (current band)
The belt buckles are his mini solo projects;
My Bacteria Heat Island
朱ィ。 (Benni.)

I know this makes me seem a bit stalkerish, but it's not really the case.
I happen to listen to both KuRt, CPS..
..and I actually discovered Benni. because of someone else

(Gunji from
the fool if you must know. He used to play guitars in 朱ィ。 Spoken to him online - and a few texts while in Japan, but that's not a story I want to go into details about..)

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